“Make America great again”? Uh…let’s NOT.

It’s no surprise that America’s…EVERYTHING went down after the election of 2016. The poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer. The constitution of the United States makes it clear that all people are created equal. Tell that to our president. Last week, according to independent.co.uk,  “Donald Trump’s reported remark branding Haiti, El Salvador and unspecified African nations as ‘s***hole countries’ has been branded racist by a UN human rights official.” So…the Civil War never happened? Is that what the president thinks? People of color never gained equal rights? No deaths happened during the fight which was so important to human rights? Was he raised in a barn?

Surprisingly, he wasn’t. (I know. Shocking). Historical facts aside: news flash! There’s a thing called “racist!” Which Trump thinks that he is not (Sure….let’s go with that). Spokesperson Rupert Corville said, “If confirmed these are shocking and shameful comments from the President of the United States, there is no other word you can use but ‘racist.'” There has been debate about whether or not Trump’s comments are racist (which makes absolutely NO sense because anyone with an ounce of intelligence can figure out that Trump’s comments are, without a doubt, completely racist), and there are still some people who think that Trump’s presidency is the best thing that has happened to the United States.

“He asked to know why the US would not instead accept people from places like Norway,” the article states. According to independent.co.uk, despite the praise given to Norwegians by the President, the Norwegians defended the Haitians and told the President, “We don’t want to come to your s***hole country.” They decided to mock President Trump by using his own weapon against him:


According to the article, “One user, Christian Christensen, a Stockholm-based American professor, wrote: ‘Of course people from Norway would love to move to a country where people are far more likely to be shot, live in poverty, get no healthcare because they’re poor, get no paid parental leave or subsidized daycare and see fewer women in political power’.” Professor Christensen nipped it RIGHT in the bud. Forget other countries! We’re the ‘s***hole’ country right now! And we will never be a successful country unless we move forward, not turn back the clock. “Make America great again”? Uh….let’s NOT.


Author: fridayfactssite

Writing articles for my amazing Journalism class, and hopefully, something more.

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