What should we call today’s generation? Does it even really matter?

Millennials? This generation? Perhaps we should come up with a new name for today’s generation. “Millennials are getting older,” Caroline Crosson Gilpin says, stating her opinion in a New York Times article on January 26, 2018. Many people from the previous generation joke that today’s generation should be called “slackers” due to the fact that people have it much easier than the previous generation did. Just because they may have more resources and more opportunities than the previous generation doesn’t mean that they take their luxurious predicament for granted. Well…not all of them anyway. Many of them do though.

Some have already thought of names for today’s generation, such as: “Generation Z, Post-Millennials, The Homeland Generation, iGeneration,” and many more. However, there are many people who think that we should call our generation something much more original. And there are some who believe that it really doesn’t matter. That we should instead be focusing on other more important things such as financial and ethical issues, and that the people who are determined to come up with a name for today’s generation are just “people trying to sell stuff.”

We spend too much time focusing on the frivolous aspects of life when we should be focusing on real issues, such as global warming and racism. Instead, today’s generation seems to be fascinated with the idea of shortening words, coming up with ridiculous acronyms, and deciding on names for different generations. Open your eyes and escape into the real world. Be aware. Be wise.


Author: fridayfactssite

Writing articles for my amazing Journalism class, and hopefully, something more.

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