Student arrested for breaking and entering into his school. But in his defense….he was sleepwalking?

A Pennsylvanian student was caught breaking and entering into his school, Wendover Middle School in Hempfield Township. His explanation: He was sleepwalking. Apparentley, Surprisingly, the student reported himself. However, this act of honesty was not enough. According to the New York Times, “Even though the student had reported himself to the authorities, the school…, was closed on Wednesday and swept for weapons, underscoring the seriousness with which potential threats to schools have been treated since the shooting at a high school last week in Parkland, Fla.” This decision was absolutely necessary. Too many mass shootings have happened in this country. It is time to take action.

The “sleepwalker” had a backpack with him, and “was found in the classroom at about 2:30 a.m. Trooper Steve Limani of the Pennsylvania State Police said it would be a mischaracterization to say that he was ‘apprehended.'” Ultimately, the student was not arrested and it was proven that he had a history of sleepwalking. There have been many sleepwalking scandals and it is very possible that student was unaware of what he was doing. He wasn’t attempting to do anything malicious from what we know, so charges cannot be pressed. The student is still being investigated.

It would be unreasonable to charge this student with attempted murder for simply breaking and entering, but further investigation should occur in order to make sure that no federal crimes are committed.

Author: fridayfactssite

Writing articles for my amazing Journalism class, and hopefully, something more.

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